Getting married - make your dream come true

More than 1100 of my clients have already registered their relationship, moved to the UK to join their partners and adapted to a new place without stress and mistakes. Now it is your turn to make your dream come true!

  • These and other bureaucratic issues are stressful and distract your from preparations for a wedding itself.
  • What VISA TYPES for fiancees exist, what are their differences and which one is correct for you.


Ten years ago, I went through this process by myself when I got married to a foreigner. I remember my worries and I understand your feelings.

Therefore, I have collected 15 years of experience and put it into practice by helping couples with my prompt professional assistance, high-quality feedback, and moral support through the entire process of collecting documents up to a marriage itself.

There are three options for an international couple to get married:

Getting married in the UK.

Getting married in the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the EU and other countries.

Getting married in a third country that is not the country of nationality of one or both partners. From my clients’ experience, you can get married in Gibraltar, Turkey, EU countries, Indonesia and others.



Our visa specialists successfully passed trainings and tests provided by companies accredited with OISC.

What do we offer?

Your UK or EU boyfriend made a proposal? From my personal experience, I know that along with joy, your heart is overwhelmed with worries:

what to start with?
where is it easier and more reliable to register a marriage?
what documents will you and your partner need to prepare?
Which visa type out of three should you choose?
I will help you not only avoid the “pitfalls” and apply for a visa without errors, but also answer questions about marriage, moving, and adaptation in a new country. Trust a professional with 15 years of experience in order to focus on your wedding preparations and start a new chapter of your life.

More information

Where is it better to register a marriage: in the Russian Federation, UK or a third country? How long will it take to prepare documents? How to notify the Government about the change of your family status and legalize your marriage? How to apply for a visa for a child?

In this booklet you will find answers to all these questions, learn about financial costs, nuances of obtaining visas and other details of getting married being an international couple.

Follow the link, fill out the form, get your booklet and get ready for your wedding without stress.

More information

You are planning to marry a British / EU citizen in Russia. What nuances to consider?
How much time and money will it take? What visa to get for a foreigner and what is needed for this?
How can you then legally enter the home country of your partner and legalize your marriage?
This booklet will answer your questions. Inside you will find a step-by-step guide to the bureaucratic part of preparing for a wedding in Russia.
Follow the link, fill out the form, get your booklet and get ready for the wedding with no stress.

More infromation

What nuances to consider if you decide to get married in the UK?
How long does it take to collect documents?
What financial costs await you? How to legalize a marriage in the UK on the territory of the Russian Federation? What visa type shouldyou choose to enter the UK? What visa type should you apply later to stay in the UK?

This booklet will answer your questions. Inside you will find a step-by-step guide to the bureaucratic part of getting married in the UK.
Follow the link, fill out the form, get your booklet and get ready for the wedding with no stress.

More information

В Турции церемония проводится в Анкаре или в долине летающих шаров – Каппадокии.

В Турции доступны два пакета услуг:

1. Когда детали не важны

– организация свадебной церемонии
– проверка документов
– подготовка необходимых документов на территории Турции
– бронирование даты регистрации
– анализ крови, трансфер в клинику и обратно
– официальный переводчик
– оплата налогов и сборов
– два свидетеля (граждане Турции)
– оформление международного свидетельства о браке
– подготовка документов для легализации брака
– координатор

2. С заботой о важном дне
– организация свадебной церемонии
– проверка документов
– подготовка необходимых документов на территории Турции
– бронирование даты регистрации
– анализ крови, трансфер в клинику и обратно
– официальный переводчик
– оплата налогов и сборов
– два свидетеля (граждане Турции)
– оформление международного свидетельства о браке
– подготовка документов для легализации брака
– координатор
– подбор локации для церемонии
– макияж и прическа для невесты
– подбор свадебного платья для невесты и костюма для жениха
– свадебный букет
– музыкальное сопровождение церемонии
– игристое, бокалы
– фотосессия от профессионального фотографа (3 часа)
– свадебный ужин в лучшем ресторане Каппадокии

На Кипре – церемония проводится в Пафосе в Саду Афродиты на фоне древнеримского акведука.

– полное документальное сопровождение
– свадебный координатор
– бронирование даты церемонии
– оплата всех государственных сборов
– апостилирование свидетельства о браке
– декорация места церемонии (базовая или полная комплектация, в зависимости от выбранного пакета услуг)
– игристое, бокалы
– музыкальное сопровождение
– свадебная прическа и макияж
– свадебная фотосессия
– песочная церемония

Пожалуйста, обратитесь к нам за консультацией по данному виду услуг, и мы поможем вам выбрать пакет сервиса, в зависимости от ваших пожеланий, и сориентируем по стоимости.

We can help you to get a VISA TO RUSSIA and a VISA TO THE UK

Before applying for a visa, you can order an EXPRESS consultation and EVALUATE your chances of obtaining a VISA

Testimonials from clients and happy couples

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