How do you ensure you move to the UK safely?

How to ensure a safe and harmonious move to the UK, from obtaining a visa to the move, including further adaptation

How to prepare for moving to England

It’s important to start preparing for your move as far in advance as possible. English language skills will be a great advantage. If the language is at A1-A2 level, it is better to prepare with an English tutor before you move. With a good knowledge of the language it is faster to find a job in England, to make acquaintances and understand the locals, to gain useful acquaintances.

We wrote more about moving comfortably earlier in the article Tips and advice on moving to the UK

What to consider for a successful visa application. How to simplify and speed up the fiancée and wife visa process and reduce the risks of rejection.

Subscribe and watch my instagram blog: @theroyalvisa
I often talk about all the news and write useful publications. I and my colleagues have created a wife/fiancée visa checklist on how to get a visa on your own, where I detail all the steps.

You can download the checklist by leaving a request on the website with the note Want Wife/Fiancée Visa Checklist
You can leave your application here: Feedback Form

What steps do you need to take to come to British citizenship and live in England enjoying the dream life.

There is an article on our website blog ILR residence permit (ILR) and British citizenship, where we have described the process in detail. It is important to familiarize yourself with the information on our website and take into account all the terms of stay, as well as follow the news on our website and instagram blog @theroyalvisa

How to help yourself adapt to a new culture. How to provide yourself with support and accompaniment at all stages of moving immigration and adaptation.

It is necessary to prepare in advance. It is desirable from a psychological point of view to prepare yourself. Our clients receive complete and all necessary information on adaptation in a new country with visa support.
The leaflet “Adapting to a New Country” is available for a fee.
And we also recommend you check out the new service:
Wife, fiancée, partner visa + “Insurance in immigration” on the page

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